Monday, February 3, 2014

How Blackberry Application Development Environment is Different?

With every bit of technology going mobile, it’s no news that your handheld devices are now being enriched with apps that can support them. You will see that developers are striving hard to develop applications that run on every platform and OS.
Blackberry, the business phone platform, had once been “the phone” that marked the elite. With time, this platform shared its success with the likes of iOS and Android. While developers are pretty comfortable creating apps and developing them for iOS and Android, you would find there being limitations in the number of gaming and other apps in Blackberry.
Well, there is reason to that! Blackberry is an out and out business phone and has been serving the purpose of keeping businesses connected since time and age.

Blackberry Apps Development
Blackberry Apps Development

Blackberry Development Environment 
Let’s take you through how typical Blackberry Application Development scenarios look like. Blackberry apps are generally programmed using Java with debuggers integrated in IDE. Eclipse is the IDE used in Blackberry and you would find that developers are supported with Emulator in this environment. The RIM application programming interface within Blackberry does not allow any sort of third party interface. The best part with Blackberry is that the developer tool cost for it is nil.

BlackBerry Coding Approaches

When developing applications using the Blackberry platforms a few things should be taken care of to minimize any sort of code variations
  • You should always select alternate string properties
  • Try using multiple methods and make sure you use separate compilers while checking
  • The library support is great in Blackberry, use it to increase functionality and to try out the various different implementations
  • A preprocessor would help you target new API
A Blackberry patent app cannot be used across platforms because of the patent associate diwth the app.

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