Monday, January 6, 2014

Location-Based Android Applications

Android offers Google Maps. Google's platform offers the best mapping solution. However, some Android users use maps based android apps to find location details. Android apps developers are creating applications that cater to the needs of people who travel across the world. These apps help the travelers in finding any place easily and move around towns easily. It is important to note here that all the travel based apps are not made the same. Some of the apps offer mapping technology, such as Google maps, where as others help users in viewing reviews, finding a favorite restaurant, or providing information on where to find hot products of the area.

Android Application Development
Location based applications are very useful as they provide a lot of opportunities for those who wish to get more information on their as well as other areas. These apps help the users to move around with ease. Some of the apps are popular and some would be new. Some are free while some are to be paid for. Some are simple and cheap while others are a bit sophisticated and expensive. Back Country Navigator is an outstanding application that helps you get around town on streets and thoroughfares. The app provides topographical maps that help users to find their way. Though it is a paid one, it is the best for hikers.

If you wish to go for a free app then going for GPS status and Toolbox is the best option. It features everything right from a compass to information related to speed, altitude, and satellite strength on GPS dishes. GasBuddy is another well-known free application in the Google Play Store. The app can help you find all the gas stations in your area after determining the user's location. It can help you save some gas which you might otherwise spend in moving around and finding a gas station.

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