Friday, January 10, 2014

What Are the Things to Be Considered On Venturing in iPad Apps Development?

iPad has now become a coveted smart device for a number of users. It is because of growth in iPad apps development market that the apps market is replete with a number of iPad applications. iPad application developers around the world are using iPad apps development to utilize their skills and also to make a living. iPad development has made the career of a number of developers by giving them an opportunity to enhance their skills and also to earn some money from them.

If you are an amateur in the iPad apps development field, then you can gain success right with your first iPad app. Following are the things that you must consider while creating your first iPad app:

iPad Apps Development
  • First you must understand the audience for whom you are creating the application. Understanding the requirements of target users helps you churn out a really successful application.
  • Get detailed knowledge on the features and functionalities offered by iPad. iPad is specifically used by mature users. Hence, the iPad application that you create must look very professional and have good quality.
  • Get registered on Apple's iPad Dev Program. In order to create any application for iPhone or iPad you must register so that you can get the essential kit viz, Software Development Kit or SDK and other tools that are important for iPad apps development.
  • Draft a plan and implement it. It is the most common thing that every professional iPad apps developer does before actually developing the application. Making a plan will help you analyze if your app idea is realistic or not. This will also help in enhancing the features of your app.
  • Verify the system requirements required to create an iPad application. Check that you have Mac or Mac mini OS on your system. Also, you should have the latest release of Snow Leopard, Apple iPad.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BlackBerry Apps Development for BlackBerry 7

Blackberry apps development is now going to improve the capabilities that Blackberry 7 can offer. With an impressive entry this new OS has made in the industry it seems that Blackberry apps development will lead to the creating of a number of exceptional applications. Research In Motion or RIM introduced Blackberry Java SDK version 7. Named as Blackberry 7, this OS introduces some of the exciting features to beat the competition presented by Android apps development and iPhone apps development.

The new Blackberry 7 operating system is set to reach fame owing to its features including augmented reality and an Open GL ES 2.0 support and improved BlackBerry application development. Their combination with BBM is being lauded as the perfect blend for mobile apps development. Blackberry 7 has an improved and new platform API that opens the doors for creating a variety of applications that can change the gaming experience. The new API is totally apt for creating graphically richer and engaging apps that can help you enhance the user experience with the app.

Blackberry Apps Developer
Blackberry Apps Developer

With the in-built Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality, Blackberry apps developers can create interactive mobile gaming applications along with commerce solutions, payment applications and many other things. With the new API a whole lot of versatility has been introduced. This variety introduced by the new API indicates Blackberry's endeavor to reach the non-business users too.

Device integration has made it easier to blend an app with Blackberry devices. Using APIs such as Magnetometer, Geo-fencing and Maps it has become easier for complex geo-spatial shapes to fit in. It has also paved the way to make detection of direction and location easier on the smart phone. Multimedia experience has been improved with the coming of APIs including native window, HD video recording, audio buffering, etc.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Location-Based Android Applications

Android offers Google Maps. Google's platform offers the best mapping solution. However, some Android users use maps based android apps to find location details. Android apps developers are creating applications that cater to the needs of people who travel across the world. These apps help the travelers in finding any place easily and move around towns easily. It is important to note here that all the travel based apps are not made the same. Some of the apps offer mapping technology, such as Google maps, where as others help users in viewing reviews, finding a favorite restaurant, or providing information on where to find hot products of the area.

Android Application Development
Location based applications are very useful as they provide a lot of opportunities for those who wish to get more information on their as well as other areas. These apps help the users to move around with ease. Some of the apps are popular and some would be new. Some are free while some are to be paid for. Some are simple and cheap while others are a bit sophisticated and expensive. Back Country Navigator is an outstanding application that helps you get around town on streets and thoroughfares. The app provides topographical maps that help users to find their way. Though it is a paid one, it is the best for hikers.

If you wish to go for a free app then going for GPS status and Toolbox is the best option. It features everything right from a compass to information related to speed, altitude, and satellite strength on GPS dishes. GasBuddy is another well-known free application in the Google Play Store. The app can help you find all the gas stations in your area after determining the user's location. It can help you save some gas which you might otherwise spend in moving around and finding a gas station.